Oak River School Handbook
2023-2024 School Year
Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year. At Oak River School, we strive to facilitate meaningful learning experiences for our students in the areas of academic, physical, emotional, and social growth. Parents are an important part of this team that work together in order to best meet the needs of each child in our school.
To assist us in providing each student with the opportunity to reach his or her potential in a safe and supportive environment, we need our students and their parents to be aware of our school guidelines and programs.
Please read this handbook with your child to become aware of its contents. Together, abiding by these guidelines and procedures, we are building towards a successful and rewarding school year for every child.
Oak River School
"A place to grow together"
Mission Statement
Our goal at Oak River School is to encourage every student
to reach his or her potential within a supportive environment.
Learning Beliefs
*Learning is best achieved when the needs of the child are considered and addressed in a safe, positive environment.
*Learning involves students actively participating in a variety of challenging experiences, including play.
*Together, students, staff, families, and community members contribute to the growth of the whole child.
*Learning is a lifelong process built on meaningful experiences.
Oak River School is committed to the development of the whole child. Our goal is to provide a framework in which each child, with the support of their parents and their educators, develops a desire to do his or her best.
We strive to recognize and accommodate individual student needs and differences, to establish our programs to foster the development of healthy attitudes and ideals, and to provide a variety of educational experiences that address the child's academic, physical, emotional, and social well being. In this way we endeavor to prepare students to become responsible, considerate, contributing citizens of our community.
We believe that a child's success depends on the involvement and support of all stakeholders - parents, students, school staff, and community. We, at Oak River School, are committed and dedicated to fostering this partnership.
Oak River School
Student Code of Conduct
Oak River School endeavors to promote and maintain a safe, positive learning environment for all students, staff, and community. Each child’s education is a shared responsibility of the student, the parent, and the school. Such a collaborative partnership can help motivate, support, and encourage the student. Students and staff at Oak River School are expected to demonstrate respect for the educational process through display of appropriate language, attitude, and physical behavior.
Respect for the educational process includes demonstrating respect for:
- Each other – Demonstrations of mean and/or dangerous behavior such as bullying (including cyber-bullying) or any acts of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, discrimination, use or possession of alcohol or illicit drugs, gang involvement, and possession of weapons will not be tolerated.
- Personal belongings – personal clothing and school supplies are to be valued and the appropriate care shown.
- Other people’s property – taking or borrowing without permission is unacceptable.
- School property – STUDENTS ARE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES to school property and are urged to take pride in their school. Unacceptable abuse of property will be dealt with in a corrective manner directly related to the action.
- Our communities – The residents of our communities are generous in their support of the school. Students are ambassadors of Oak River School and are expected to show courtesy and respect at all times.
- Information Technology – Staff and students must adhere to school and divisional policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail, the Internet, and the computer network. Any acts of cyber-bullying are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Use of cell phones, digital cameras, and all other personal communication devices are allowed as governed by divisional policy. Inappropriate use of any device will result in consequences as listed below.
Non- compliance of any part of the code of conduct will result in one of the following consequences. (#1-6 correspond with the above statements)
#1, 5 & 6 - Students will be required to make an apology, restitution or corrective action or possibly an in or out of school suspension.
#2, 3 & 4 - Students will be held responsible for replacement or the cost of replacement of damaged or misused property.
# 6 - Loss of privileges related to technology will be a result of not following the policy. Inappropriate use of any personal communication device may result in confiscation of such device and further action may be taken depending on the level of inappropriate use.
Staff and students must behave in a respectful manner and comply with the code of conduct. It is the responsibility of staff, students, and parents to know and to follow the general rules and regulations of the school and the school division including this school code of conduct. By honoring the rights of staff and students, this shall allow for learning to take place in a cooperative environment that is free from interruption, intimidation, and harassment.
Should persons wish to appeal a disciplinary action they should meet with the teacher and principal to discuss the concern and if a satisfactory conclusion is not reached then they may appeal in the form of a signed letter to the superintendent of the school division and forward a copy to the school. If required an appeal may be made in the form of a signed letter to the school board, with a copy to the person it regards.